Fragile Paradise Series
Tiny, long-legged, doe-eyed dolls. We see them and can’t help to wonder where’s all the fancy dresses? A tiny bit of surprise, and a small dose of uncanniness.
Mơ Series
I always dreams about a world like Eden, where humans live without any cultural and racial discrimination; where freedom, joy, happiness and kindness reign.
Love Series
Có một thời vừa mới bước ra
Mùa xuân đã gọi mời trước cửa
Chẳng ngoái lại vết chân trên cỏ
Vườn hoa nào cũng ở phía mình đi.
(Có một thời như thế - Xuân Quỳnh)
Twelve Zodiac Series
Twelve zodiac paintings are a series of long-lasting works which each of them represents the concept of existence as well as the rotation of time and human life.
Still Life Series
Everyday objects appearing in our life seem very ordinary, but they have unique meanings that make our life in terms of both physically and mentally.
Other Paintings
These are independent works that express my own view and insights into what are happening in everyday life.
Mysterious Skin
I used to have many difficulties in verbalizing my thoughts during face-to-face communication. I started paintings upon realizing that the nature of my communication is but a vague cover, intricately shrouded over my personality. The helmet evokes memories of my puberty laden with doubts about my own body, a period when I had no outlet to confide in, thus having to bury all of my doubts. Through paintings, I discover the mysteries hidden beneath the skin covering my body: their sensitivity toward surrounding things such as air, contact, melting, and above all my physical sentiments. These, to me, are more important than the emotions present on our face.